
Your Breath Smells Like Milk

Aren’t babies the best?  They smell good.  They make the cutest sounds.  They find joy in the weirdest things.  They’re so innocent.

Sweet Baby was 10 months old and having a sleepover with me and mom.  She woke up so happy and ready to explore the world.  Before we got out of the bed and started moving around for the day, I gave her a bottle.  I was laying down, and she was babbling in my face.  I said “Ewww, your breath smells like milk.”  She was OFFENDED.  She gave me straight stank face.  She didn’t appreciate my comment.

Sister, or brother, your breath smells like milk.  And you should be offended because you have been saved too long to still be drinking milk.  People that aren’t in the church don’t get that analogy so let me break it down.

When we first accept Christ, we live on the milk of His word.  Okay, that’s still too churchy.  When we choose Christ, we instantly become babies.  We are new to the world of Christianity.  So we sit in service and take it all in.  People show us where books are found in the Bible (if we happen to have an actual Bible and not just the app on our phones).  They pray for us when we share our problems, and we let them because we’re not praying for ourselves.  That’s fine because as you grow up in Christ, you do better.  Right?

The problem is that we’re not growing in Christ.  We still want to be babies.  And when I say we, the main one I’m talking to is myself.  I want right relationship with God but I’m not willing to do what it takes to get there.  I’m not taking my walk with Him seriously.  And it’s life or death. 

The reason I’m struggling is because I’m not eating enough to sustain me.  I’m drinking when I need to be eating meat.  I need to be up EVERY morning studying even just a few scriptures.  Actually let me be real real, I need to be studying day and night.  Scratch that…not just studying but applying what I know to be true. 

MY breath smells like milk.  And I don’t like it. Being real and transparent is challenging me to grow up.  The good news is that I serve a God who is gracious and wants the best for me.  He wouldn’t call me to something that He wants to use to destroy me.  Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him and eat this meat. #wepreach

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