
Vow Renewal

The day that this particular post is released was going to be my wedding day. If you read “I Said Yes to the Dress,” you know about my broken engagement, my embarrassment, and ultimately my surrender to God’s will for my life.

As this day approached, my bestie asked how I was feeling. It was the beginning of October. Life was clicking along. I responded that I felt fine. And unlike other times in the past, I really felt fine.

Actually, I feel more than fine. I feel grateful. I feel peace. I feel that I’m finally starting to realize the purpose that God has for me.

Focusing on wedding planning allowed me to ignore some huge problems in my life. I was able to box them up and put them on a shelf. In my head, I would just unpack those boxes after the wedding. How many married folks know how foolish that was? How many unmarried folks know how foolish that was? How many don’t-want-to-be married folks know how foolish that was?

I had to pull those boxes off the shelf and start dealing with me. The boxes are getting lighter and easier to move around. I’ll really be glad when I can just throw them away all together. It has been dusty and messy work, but I’m so glad that clean up is in progress.

Although I’m not walking down the aisle today, I can renew the commitment I made to Christ 27 years ago when I submitted my life to him. Although I’m not changing my last name, I can change the way that I respond when God calls me by my name. Although I’m not having a first dance with my husband, I can dance through life with God and know that I have the best partner ever. Oh yeah…. and I can still eat cake. #wepreach


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