Sermon Recap

The Work of Expectations

Since it’s a leap year, we are L.E.A.P-ing in the month of February at my church.  Last week, I broke down the “L” in the sermon recap.  We’re called to L-ive.  This week my pastor told us how to handle our E-xpectations.

Sunday’s Sermon came from Luke 5:17-20.  If you’ve been in church for any length of time, it’s a familiar passage.  Jesus is teaching in someone’s home.  The message is so compelling that the house begins to fill with those that want to hear what He has to say.  People have come from towns all around.  The Bible says that the power of the Lord was present to heal them.  There is a crowd.

Meanwhile, in another part of the city, there is a paralyzed man.  He is on a mat.  He has four friends who are determined to get him to Jesus.  They carry their friend to the door of the home were Jesus is teaching, and they are met with a crowd at the door.  I’m sure you can imagine that it would be hard to shoulder their way through carrying their friend on the mat.

They made it all the way to the door, and their path is blocked.  They made up their minds to take their friend to Jesus.  They labored all the way there, and they can’t get in.  They journeyed to the house with the expectation that the Lord would heal.  And after that journey…filled with hope and expectation…they are met with opposition.

Maybe it’s just me, but I often think that I get right up to the door of healing and walk away because I can’t just walk in.  There are obstacles in my way.  It’s not at an easy grab.  I have to work for it.  Thankfully, these men were determined to get what they came to receive.  Word had spread that healing was available.  They came expecting healing, and healing is what they would have.

Their determination caused them to go to higher heights.  Literally and spiritually.  They carried their friend unto the roof of the house, tore the roof off and lowered their friend to Jesus.  The obstacle didn’t stop them.  It caused them to get creative and find a way to get healing for their friend.  They had an expectation that was bigger than the crowd that blocked their path.

What are your expectations of God?  Are you actively believing that He can do exceedingly and abundantly in your life?  Do you have a vision that is so great that you know only God can make it happen?  Or are you satisfied with just making it to the door?

It would have been so easy for them to turn away.  But their expectation was huge.  I needed this reminder.  I can’t limit God or turn away when I’m faced with opposition.  I have to go to the next level.  I’m challenging you to go to the next level with me.  Let’s have big expectations of our great big God.  We have to stop living life small.  God wants more for us than we could ever imagine.  I’m expecting Him to deliver.


  • Gail

    Good read! This helped me to realize that I certainly have high expectations and believe that God can do exceedingly and abundantly above…except in certain areas of MY life. (Ouch!) I can believe BIG for others. Now, I’m going to believe big for me. Thank you. 😉

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