
The Floor is Lava

Bible Study Mama holds fast to the claim that she prefers comedies over romance when forced to pick a movie genre.  Here lately, I have made it my mission to test her theory out.  She came to my house bearing the gift of dinner on Friday.  What’s better than dinner and a movie?  I put on a comedy to see if her stance remained firm.

She stayed after the movie and did not seem to have any intention of leaving.  The night was still young.  I knew she wouldn’t spend the night, because she is NOT a fan of my cat, Fitz.  As I scrolled through our options of entertainment, she asked me about a show called “The Floor is Lava.”  I had never seen it.  I pressed play, and our comedy night kicked up a notch.

Watching this show with my mom made me realize exactly where I get my goofiness and extraness (I made up the word…deal with it).  We both oohed and aahed rather loudly at the contestants.  I think it’s safe to say that this is our version of watching football.

I know kids have played “the floor is lava” at home.  You pretend that the floor is lava.  If you touch the floor, you are automatically out of the game.  Well, some kids have played it.  Probably the new generation.  My mama would not have taken too kindly to me running on her furniture because the floor was lava.  Some creative mastermind took this childhood game and made it into a hilarious competition between adults.

In the adult version, teams of three try to get from the entrance to the exit of the room in the fastest time possible.  You really have to use every part of yourself to make it to the other side of the room.  The game engages you physically and mentally.  The room is filled with hot water or “lava.”  If you fall in, you’re out of the game, but your teammates can still try to go on without you.  Unfortunately, sometimes you actually need teammates to successfully navigate through the course.

It was interesting to see how different teams tackled the exact same course.  All objects in the room can be used.  There is nothing off limits.  Some teams would look at objects in the room and use them all.  Other teams would leap and jump in a frenzy to make it out in the fastest time.  The presumed leader of one team watched one of their “weak” links bound from one shaky rock to the next.  He admitted that he was scared and would let his teammate lead the way since he was doing so well.

A very family friendly show.  It’s not only hilarious but really made me think about life in general.  How I leap and bound from one shaky rock to the next in my rush to get to a desired end.  The encouragement and warnings that I get from teammates as I want to make my next move.  Whether it’s a big leap or small.  Watching others leap and fall and learning from their mistakes.  Or watching them leap and fall and thinking that won’t happen to me.

I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t analyze the mess out of everything.  Even simple things.  Plus, let’s be honest.  You enjoy reading about how my mind twists and turns.  This is stream of consciousness at it’s finest.  The show reminded me to be a better teammate.  And use all of the resources available to me.  In my rush to get ahead, I miss out on opportunities that will make this journey easier.  I gotta be more careful.  Falling into hot lava is not a good look.  #wepreach

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