
The Falls

Once upon a time, people would go on vacation.  They would get on planes.  They would pile in their cars and go on road trips.  They would take cruises.  With the state of affairs in the world now, many people have decided to hold off on vacations.  I was sitting and thinking about some of the many trips that I’ve taken, and one vacation floated to the top of the list.  Initially, it made me laugh.  As I thought of it more, I realized that a great lesson emerged from the experience.  Ya’ll ready for our trip?  Let’s go to Jamaica!

When Bible Study Mama turned fifty, we turned her party out.  She had a choreographed dance that we had practiced in the living room.  She had all the friends and family that she could handle.  We had a blast.  She also had her first cruise.  We went to Jamaica and decided that Dunns River Falls would be a fun activity.  Dunns River Falls is a waterfall that pools into the ocean.  People from around the world climb it when they are on vacation.  Bible Study Mama loves water.  She loves adventure.  Win, win.

Now, let me add that it wasn’t my first time climbing the waterfall.  I climbed it years before….when I was twenty-two.  I was with my friends after college graduation.  I was the biggest girl in the group.  I catalogue strenuous activities in a special part of my brain that reminds me not to go there again.  No warning bells went off in my head.  This was going to be a fun time!

Then we arrived at the Falls.  We had an energetic guide.  His job was to make sure that we got to the top safely and have fun while we were doing it.  Things were progressing well.  Bible Study Brother was in the lead.  Bible Study Mama and I were climbing in tandem.  We reached the first high rock and trouble began.  Bible Study Mama wanted help.  I reached out to help her, and ya’ll, she almost took me out.  This happened a couple more times.  I did the only thing I could think of.  I told Bible Study Brother that it was his responsibility to make sure that Mama made it up the Falls.

Since Bible Study Brother had been living the good life, he had no idea what I was talking about.  He was blissfully unaware of what awaited him.  But oh, when it happened…he got to experience her take down spirit for himself.  I’m almost crying laughing as I type this.  He’s taller than me and stronger than me.  And it was a task for him.  The guide, Bible Study Brother, Bible Study Mama, and I were so thrilled to make it to the top of the Falls. 

I could have continued to reach out and drag my mom along, but the truth is that I probably would have ended up hurt.  And she wasn’t trying to hurt me.  She legitimately needed help.  But I wasn’t strong enough to lift her up.  I had enough sense to tag in my network to help her make it up and out…alive.  I have been guilty many times of suffering in silence when I’m helping someone.  It took me a long time to realize that Jesus already did the dying on my behalf.  He wants me to live.  And sometimes the best way to help someone is to find someone stronger.  I didn’t abandon her, but I did get her the right help. We made it to the top.  And learned a lot along the way.  We drank out of coconuts on the beach after our grand adventure.  We played in the ocean.  We enjoyed our day.  And we decided that climbing waterfalls as a family was NOT our forte.  We don’t have to do that again.  #wepreach

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