

I’ve said it before, and I’ll keep saying it…I’m an introvert. Really, I need to stop saying it. Because although that’s my natural preference, I’ve received some of my biggest blessings when I step outside of what’s comfortable to me.

I met my bestie in undergraduate school. We sat close to each other in all of the classes for our major. I don’t even remember talking to her much (remember…introvert). I was just going to class to take care of business. Making friends was not in my plans.

Then out of the blue, she asked me if I wanted to go with her to a concert at the COGIC convention in Memphis. The concert was going to start late at night so we’d have to stay at a hotel. Her sister and friend were going as well. The crazy thing is that I said “Sure” without hesitation.

I didn’t know her! I mean I saw her in class but that’s it. The even crazier thing is that she asked me in the first place. I like to think I’m an introvert but she far exceeds me in this category…lol. She’s VERY private. And although I have a hard time with new people, I can give way too much information to those that I’m close to. So she has had to adjust to me over the years.

Our first trip has led to many wonderful excursions. And crazy adventures. Not just in traveling the world but in traveling life with each other. We have learned what it means to think we’re adults versus full fledged adulting. I don’t even want to think about where I would be if I hadn’t said “Sure” when she extended the craziest invitation of her life.

If you don’t know Jesus, He’s extending a crazy invitation to you. It may seem wild to think that some dude you don’t know died just for you, but He did. God knew you before you were even formed in your mother’s womb. He’s been waiting for you to accept His invitation. He wants to travel through life with you. It will get wild and crazy at times, but He wants to be right there though it all. Don’t miss out on the best relationship ever because it’s outside of your comfort zone. You’ll be so glad you accepted the invitation. #wepreach

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