
Speak Well

When I was a teenager, talking on the phone was my life. I talked so much to my friends that I was tying up the main phone line. So my mom got me my own phone line. I would talk to all of my friends. Sometimes, we would have a three way calling chain so that we could all be on the line at the same time.

As I got older, I still enjoyed talking on the phone. I would talk to my bestie every night after we graduated from graduate school. If I had been abducted, she would have probably been the first to notice followed shortly behind by my cousin and mother. What did we have to talk about? Our days at work, whatever was on tv, just life in general. And she also spoke frequently of her husband.

He wasn’t her husband or fiance at that time. He was her boyfriend. She wasn’t complaining about him or their relationship. She just talked about him all the time. I could say that I like cheese pizza and she would say that they ate cheese pizza once. You get the idea. He was just a regular part of our conversations.

She spoke well of him. Because they were so close and had such a good relationship, I thought that automatically meant that he was my bestie too. So I would always approach him like I just got off the phone with him the night before. But I didn’t just get off the phone with him. She spoke of him so often that I thought my relationship with him was guaranteed. I knew her…and she knew him…so that means that he knows me. Can you see my flawed logic?

We often do that with our relationship with Christ as we grow and become adults. “Well, my grandma prayed for me. Surely that’s enough to keep me. I knew grandma…grandma knew Jesus..so that means He knows me.” And not only did our grandmas know Jesus, but they spoke well of Him. But grandma speaking well of Jesus…me speaking well of Jesus is not enough to help you.

You have to have a personal relationship. I’m not talking about church rules. I’m talking about a real relationship. Where you tell Jesus everyday stuff. We make relationship with Him too deep sometimes. It’s not always about praying for things and stuff. You should have moments when you just say, “Lord, that’s a beautiful sunset” or “This chicken was fire Jesus!”

I started this blog to share my walk with the Lord with saints and aint’s. I want to speak so well of God that you become convinced to try Him for yourself. And even if it doesn’t convince anyone, it convicts me everyday to love Him more. To turn more of myself over to Him daily. #wepreach

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