Good Steward
Today’s blog recap finds us examining our stewardship. We break down how responsible (and irresponsible) we are. You do not want to miss it. #wepreach
Celebrating Mubs
What exactly is a Mubs and how do you celebrate it? Tune in to find out. #wepreach
During today’s blog recap, we break down our hashtag. We talk about how it came to be and why you are so important in pushing it forward. I hope you have your listening ears on. #wepreach
Bring The Oil
Life provides us with many opportunities to step out of our comfort zones. We are given the chance to dream bigger and go farther. How do you respond when the opportunity arises? Bible Study Brother and I discuss our response to these situations. The oil is flowing in this blog recap, and you don’t want to miss out. #wepreach
Just Ari
Today, we sit down and have an interesting conversation about faith with our cousin Ariana. Fun fact: her interest in talking about her faith on the podcast provided an extra push to get me back on the mic. She is also the mother of Sweet Baby which makes her one of my favorite people. Listen to her journey. I guarantee you can relate. #wepreach You can purchase her body butter at www.scratchcraftsltd.com.
Getting Better Help
Mental health is a vital component of health. We often push it aside. Bible Study Brother and I discuss my journey with mental health. #wepreach
Living Legacy
We are recapping the blog “Living Legacy” on today’s podcast. We talk about the life and legacy of our great-grandmother and discuss the legacy that we believe we will leave behind. It is worth a listen. #wepreach
I Climbed A Mountain ft. Chantale
In today’s blog recap, we discuss “I Climbed A Mountain.” We are joined by a very special guest—my bestie Chantale! Chantale is a BSG and has stayed in the background until today. We have a couple of technology glitches in this episode. But trust me when I say, it is well worth the listen. #wepreach
Your Breath Smells Like Milk
In the spirit of growth and change, we have decided to recap previous blogs. Bible Study Brother and I peel back the layers of “Your Breath Smells Like Milk.” How have I matured since almost three years ago? Listen and you’ll find out. #wepreach
Stump The Doodle Returns
Bible Study Mama was anxious for the return of the podcast. She really wanted us to get back in the swing of things. We kept our return a secret and actually postponed starting the season until we could record this episode. We wanted her guard to be down. Needless to say, we accomplished our goal. If you need a laugh, this is the episode for you!!! #wepreach