
Pilgrim’s Progress

We have interesting discussions at work. My coworker shared that she had shown the kids in her class at church the movie, Pilgrim’s Progress. My response was “What’s that about?” She was surprised that I had never heard of it.

The Pilgrim’s Progress from This World, to That Which is to Come was written by John Bunyan in 1678. It’s basically a parable of the journey of becoming a Christian. Mr. Bunyan wrote this work while he was in prison. He was locked up for holding religious services outside of the actual sanctioned church buildings. Clearly, the church didn’t understand that each individual makes up the church. The church can’t be contained in a physical building. WE are the church. Okay…I’ll get off my soapbox.

My coworker was kind enough to bring the film to me. I called my family and proclaimed that we were having a movie night. I really enjoyed the film. He created a parable way back in 1678 that stands the test of time.

After watching the film, I had to do a little bit of research. This is a popular book in the Christian world, and I had never even heard of it’s existence. Even though, I haven’t been saved all my life sometimes it feels like it…LOL. I have certainly been to enough church services.

The influence of his book is far reaching. Numerous films, plays, operas, video games, and musicals have been produced using his work as a starting point. According to Wikipedia, Season 7, episode 16 of Family Guy is a parody of the book and is called “Peter’s Progress.”

I said all that to say this…what progress have you made on your journey? Are you using your gifts and talents in a way that over 300 years from now people will still be inspired by your obedience? It’s not too late. You can start today. Make some progress. #wepreach

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