
Living My Blessed Life

When I take a moment to meditate on what I’m thankful for, it doesn’t take me long to have a list compiled.  I mean a list, list. There is so much that I have to be grateful for, yet I often find myself seeking ways to gain more. Whether it’s financial, educational, spiritual, physical, or emotional. I’m always thinking of ways for increase.  There is a statement that states that “the best things in life are free”. I couldn’t agree more with this statement. But a few million dollars would surely help a sistah live her absolute best life.  

There was a point in my life in which I felt I needed to stay busy in order to keep my mind occupied to not deal with my brokenness and grief that I was really experiencing internally. Plus, it helped finance my unnecessary desires of shopping.   I mean I would take on so many responsibilities and projects. I couldn’t tell people “No”. I felt if they’d asked me, then it was an assignment from God. Ha! Know better; do better right?! I worked a lot. Several weeks I’d work 70+ hours….INSANE, I know.  My loved ones would express their concerns about my workload; I would just ignore their concerns and reassure them that I was good until fatigue caught up with me. I became drained, to the point where I’d only want to sleep during any of my spare time. 

After quitting one of my jobs and completely learning and being content with telling people “Nah” was one of the best decisions I’ve made thus far. I have become so addicted to relaxation, mediation, peace, quiet, and having more time to spend with my family….in which all are FREE!

Life can be hectic especially in today’s society where we don’t feel like we have enough time in a day to get things accomplished. Take time, better yet MAKE TIME to bask in God’s presence and the fullness of the blessings that He grants us daily.  Material possessions are nice, higher education can be rewarding, having the financial freedom to LIVE YO BEST LIFE is grand but without all of that, what are you thankful for? I am thankful for the breath that is in my body, I am thankful for my loving husband, my handsome boys, my caring Mother, considerate Mother-in-love, my wise Papa, my career that gives me the opportunity to serve others, my siblings that are always a call away, and my cousin in love Sareta, for thinking of me and asking me to do this.  This was indeed an assignment from God….discernment is real! Get some.  

Remember, God has great pleasure over our prosperity.  He wants us to live the lives that our hearts desire but in His timing.  In the meantime, in between time, stay grateful, faithful, and committed to serving and pleasing HIM.  

Be Blessed. 

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