
Home of the Brave

I really can’t tell you how many times I’ve quit this blog. My life is full. I have lots of commitments and people pulling me in different directions. Add the fact that I’m not comfortable with sharing my life, and you have a recipe for walking away.

I have been forced to evaluate my busyness. I had some real life inspiration courtesy of the Braves. Have you heard of the Braves? They are a rag tag team of t-ballers from Conway.

I watched the Braves battle it out on the t-ball field every Tuesday. Really, they’re just learning the game. There are no winners or losers. Everyone gets to bat until they hit the ball. Everyone gets to round the bases and make it home.

The Braves are young, and their attention wavered easily. With the exception of one kid. You could look at him and know that he had watched someone play baseball before. He knew the game. While his teammates were in the outfield dancing, he was running to bases with the ball in his hand and declaring that the other team was out. Poor kid. He was so frustrated when they didn’t send the opposing team packing.

The other Braves were living their best life. Some of them were chasing each other. Sometimes, they would follow their teammate that knew the game but they had no clue what was going on. One friend just sat in the outfield, and when asked what was going on, declared that he was busy.

Oh dear. That’s me and my Christian life. I’ve already been declared a winner so I often have no urgency to score home runs for Christ. Because I already know that my future is secured. I’m going to make it to home plate. So I’m like my friend sitting in the outfield…. “busy” but not doing anything.

I’ve been convicted and convinced that I need to change. I need to be a star player and yell that Satan is out when he tries to make it to any base. This ball field is the Lord’s. #wepreach

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