crop black man showing pray gesture

The Power of Prayer

The problem with writing a blog every day is that sometimes I forget what I have already written about. The great thing about writing a blog every day is that if I have forgotten, ya’ll have too. So, I can’t lose…lol. Bible Study on Wednesday night left me thinking about my prayer life and ways to improve it. A regular prayer life is crucial in the life of a Christian. It’s an opportunity to communicate with the God who loves me. It’s my chance to communicate with the God who saved me. But I frequently miss out on my opportunities to tap in.

The sad part about it is that prayers don’t have to be long to be powerful. I was complaining about a person during one of my last conversations with Tomica. (Now if I had known that would be the last time, our conversation would have been WAY different. But back to this story.) I told her to just pray for me. She said something like, “Lord, help her.” Then she said, “see it don’t take all them extra words sometimes. He gets the point.” And that has really stuck with me.

I have been praying those kinds of prayers lately. Short phrases. Not long-winded eloquent prayers that sound good to everyone else. I’m talking about prayers that get right to the heart of the matter. “I need you right now.” “Help me get through this.” “I can’t do this without you.” And can I tell you something? They have been working for me.

While short prayers can get the job done, I am well aware that my prayer life definitely needs to be revamped. Part of having a healthy relationship is having open lines of communication. It is not all about me reaching out when life gets bumpy. I need to get back in the groove of having longer talks with God. Pouring my heart out and then waiting for His response. I need that regular back and forth. I need that connection.

The good news is that I recognize the need and I am working to change it. Your homegirl has a plan. I’ll keep you posted. #wepreach

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