
Bubbles and Stickers

 Kids LOVE bubbles and stickers.  I’m not kidding.  I work with kids that typically range from one to five years old.  Stickers and bubbles are life savers or feeling crushers.  The response to them is so powerful that I use them for leverage.

When I have a child that’s temperamental, or especially expressive, about their wants (and their wants don’t line up with my plans), I pull out my secret weapons.  They have been known to turn a frown upside down and soothe the most terrible tantrum.  Even my most hardened kids have a soft spot for bubbles and stickers.

Bubbles and stickers are sooooo cheap and readily available.  You can go to your local dollar store and find them.  Kids see them everywhere, but for some reason they hold such a special place in their hearts.  They will do just about anything to have them.

See, stickers are a status symbol at the daycare.  When you come back from therapy, you show all the other kids in class just how cool your stickers are.  It’s even better if you have stickers on both hands.  My kids with the softer hearts will often share a sticker with a friend, and that just melts my butter.  So, I’ll always give them more.

What are the bubbles in your life?  You know what I’m talking about.  The cheap things that you’ll risk anything to obtain.  Your designer bags.  Your relationship with the wrong person.  Your unhealthy obsession with always knowing everyone else’s business.  Obtaining just the right car.  Maintaining an image of success.  They’re all bubbles.  And just like bubbles, they don’t last.  They pop.

Do you share your stickers with your friends and the world at large?  Your talents.  Your gifts.  All the things that make you uniquely you.  I’d like to argue that if you’re generous with your stickers, God will give you more.  He knows that He can trust you with them.  I think it melts His butter too.  Or are you selfish with them?  Do you flash them around to let others know you have them and then not share them?

I learn so much from the little guys I work with.  #wepreach

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