
Adulting 101

Adulting is not for the faint of heart.  See, in my mind, I was grown long before I was actually a grown adult.  If you were a fly on the wall around eighteen-year-old Sareta, you would hear some interesting thoughts and opinions.  Baby when I graduated high school and went off to college, you could NOT tell me that I was not an adult.  So what if I did not pay for my own things?  The high school diploma was my ticket for entrance into adult life.

Clearly, I had lots to learn.  My first semester in college was glorious.  Do not tell my mama, but I stayed up all hours of the night.  I went all over with my friends.  You should also be aware that my version of kicking it, and most folks version of kicking it are two completely different things.  I was just happy to come and go as I pleased without breaking a curfew.

Things were great until they were not great.  I had been up late the night before, so I slept in one day.  Up until this point, I had not missed any classes.  I was diligent to make it in to each one of them no matter how exhausted I was.  I thought to myself that being grown was being able to take a day off.  I was taking charge of my life.  When a friend called and asked if I wanted to go to Little Rock, I quickly accepted.  Even though I knew I was supposed to do a presentation in class that day.

Now, I have no idea what all we did that day.  None of it was pressing or important.  I just wanted to live my adult life my way.  After I got in from my excursion, I e-mailed my professor to discuss making up my assignment.  You may not believe this, but she told me that was a no go.  <Insert record screech>  Well, this did not go as planned.  The assignment was a big portion of my overall grade for the semester.  Ummmm, what happened to being able to do things my way?

My foray into “adulthood” led me right into a “B” for the course.  Let me tell you, that crushed me.  That “B” was like a big old “F” for failure.  And I had definitely failed to grasp what being an adult really meant.  Quite often, being an adult means that you do NOT get to do what your flesh wants to do.  Being an adult means that you are responsible.  It means that you know better.  It means that you do better.  I learned my lesson after my first semester of flying by the seat of my pants.  I settled in and focused on accomplishing the mission that was at hand.  May your adulting days land you one step closer to completing the work that has been assigned to you.  #wepreach

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