
Blow My Mind

If you had told me one year ago that I would be writing blogs every day about my faith walk, I would have said that you were insane.  If you had told me that I would be able to last seven weeks without working and be alright, I would have kindly escorted you the nearest psychiatric facility to institute a 72-hour hold.  If you had said that the entire world would be shut in their homes because of an invisible threat to their health, I would have added you to all the prayer lists that I know.  Your statements would have blown my mind.

You would have been so right, but my ability to believe in your vision would have been so wrong.  As I listened to Part II of Bible Study Cousin’s faith journey on the Bible Study Girl podcast, I was reminded of just how awesome God is.  If you haven’t listened to her testimony, you really should.  It encouraged me and reminded me that even when the world around me is uncertain, God is certain.  God is sure.  He’s not short sighted.  He always has the end in mind.

I like to listen to the podcasts again before I upload them unto the various platforms.  We record several in one sitting so that we won’t fall behind.  By the time an episode is uploaded, it has generally been a month since it was recorded.  Life has happened in that time, and I don’t remember what we discussed.  Bible Study Cousin spoke about how God is blowing her mind, and she has an expectation that He will continue to do so.  I was over here saying “yes” to my empty house when my phone rang.  God was blowing my mind with the call and reminding me that I’m His.  Even when it feels like the world is against me.

Even though I sat in the room with her to record the podcast, the words hit differently just a few weeks later.  God saw into my future.  He saw me at my computer…discouraged, tired, and worn out.  He used her to remind me that He has the vision and plan for my life.  He knows the end while I’m struggling with the middle parts.

One of the most challenging parts of my faith journey has been trusting God’s vision and plan for my life.  I’m human.  I get caught up with what I see in front of me.  I get upset.  I get frustrated when I can’t see what God is doing.  I get scared and mad when I can’t see His face…when I can’t feel His hand.  Even though I know He’s always there, it doesn’t always feel like it.  I’m just being honest.

But listening to her podcast helped me so much.  It challenged me to continue to walk out my faith journey.  All the people who have shared pieces of themselves have helped me and continue to help me.  They are all part of God’s plan for my life.  Listen, in this season, God is stretching me.  He’s trying me.  He’s daring me to really trust Him.  He continually telling me NOT TO PUT HIM IN A BOX. And when I let go of my limited expectations, He always blows my mind.  #wepreach

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