
Ask, Seek, Knock

It’s a beautiful day.  I was able to sleep in this morning.  My feet didn’t have to hit the ground running.  I tossed and turned while cuddled up in my quilt.  My cat, Fitz, is taking a nap in one of his favorite napping spots.  He’s not trying to distract me while I type.  I can hear Fitz’s water fountain running, and the sound is tranquil…peaceful even.

Although my afternoon and evening are full, I had this morning to just relax…breathe…to just be.  As the day has worn on, I had to remind myself to get it together.  I can’t remain in my state of inactivity all the time.  It’s honestly like a drug to me.  I started my personal time yesterday when I got off work, and I’ve been on a roll ever since. 

See, I just made the declaration this week that I would make spending time alone with God a priority.  I’m not of the mindset that I can’t live or participate in regular activities.  I don’t believe that I can’t ever listen to hip-hop, R&B, rap, or country.  My tv doesn’t remain tuned to Christian channels.  But I DO recognize that life is precious, and I must be a good steward of the time that I have on this earth.

Part of my stewardship is devotion to prayer.  I must be honest.  Most of the time, I don’t feel like praying.  For several different reasons.  I battle with myself about the right way to do it.  I wonder if He hears what I’m saying.  I question if my motives are pure.  Why do I want what I want?  Are my thoughts and desires lining up with what God wants for me?  GOD WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?  LORD WHAT DO YOU WANT OF ME?

 The crazy thing is that I won’t get the answers to my questions if I don’t talk to Him.  Prayer is talking to God.  It’s taking all of me to Him EVERY DAY and laying it before Him.  Even if it’s old news.  Even if it’s the same as the day before. 

During my “me” time, I was bingeing a show on Netflix.  The common thread of discord in all the relationships was that they had horrible communication skills.  The couples with the best relationships were the ones who were honest and willing to tell their truths.  Not in a disrespectful manner, but with the attitude that they didn’t want any parts of themselves to be held back from the person that they loved.  They wanted to give all of themselves in the hope that the person would take them as they were.

Ya’ll, I already have a relationship with someone who will take little old raggedy me as I am.  Sitting here writing this has made me realize that my prayer time with God is a MUST.  I don’t want a fractured relationship with Him because I don’t take the time to give Him all of me.  He already took me as I am, and He’s waiting on me to be fully committed.  The Bible says “ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”  I’m going to take God at His Word and trust the process.  #wepreach

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