
Advanced Placement

Confidence is not my strongest trait.  When things get difficult or seem like they’ll be too hard, I have a tendency to retreat.  It’s a life pattern that I’m not proud of.  The more I reflect on my past, the more I see God’s hand pushing me to trust Him.

I took Advanced Placement (AP) classes in high school.  I liked them because the grades carried extra weight.  Earning a “B” in an AP class had the same impact as earning an “A” in a regular class.  So, you could potentially have a GPA (grade point average) that’s higher than a 4.0.

Mrs. Pickering was my AP English teacher for junior and senior year of high school.  She was tough.  A no-nonsense teacher who believed in her job.  She also believed in me.

AP classes are really designed to prepare you to take the Advanced Placement exam for each subject.  If you receive a high enough score on the exam, you go into college with college credit.  Which saves you money and time.

Although I took AP classes, I had NO INTENTION of taking the exams.  (See my pattern?)  The day for payment for the exam came.  Mrs. Pickering tracked me down, and I asked if I had the money.  “Ohhhhh, I forgot!”  She said, “Well, I’ll just write a check.  You’re taking the test.”  I panicked.  I wasn’t prepared! I had been in the classes, but I didn’t want to waste her money.  On top of that, I’d have to explain to my mama why I didn’t ask for the money for the exam.

I took the test.  And guess what…I got the college credit.  Mrs. Pickering could see in me what I could not see in myself.  She wanted me to win and was willing to bet on me.

Jesus did the same thing on Calvary’s cross.  He saw so much potential in you and me.  He paid the ultimate price so that we could have a chance to prove to Him that He was right.  I need to stop doubting my abilities.  I need to see in myself what He sees in me.  He has been preparing me for the next level.  I think I’m ready to be advanced.  #wepreach

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