
Good Steward

My bank account is in the negative.  I have a great paying job.  So great, that when I get my 1099 every year, I’m always amazed.  It never seems like I made that much money the previous year.  So how did I get here?  Poor management.

In the past, when I got paid, I would literally spend one to two hours going over my budget and how I wanted to pay my bills.  Not because of lack.  I wanted to make sure that I was making the best choices with my money.  I was very responsible ya’ll.  I would pay my tithes, pay all my bills and then say you have x amount of dollars to go hog wild with.

And go hog wild, I did.  If someone needed help with a bill, no problem.  Your baby needs some shoes?  Got that too.  Vacation time?  I’m the first one to pay.  Work hard, play hard.  Did somebody say food????  Let’s go to all the restaurants!

The problem is that God didn’t tell me to do that.  I gave Him His 10%.  So, in my mind, the rest belonged to me.  That’s not true.  It’s ALL His, and He wants me to be a good steward over everything that He gave me.  I need to spend time listening to Him to direct my financial choices.

I also need to spend time listening to Him to direct my spiritual choices.  He deposits so much good Word into my life, and I’m still walking around negative.  Ouch!  Have you ever met a negative Christian?  Are you the negative Christian?

Those words don’t really belong together.  We have a great Father who supplies all our needs, so why are we negative?  Poor management.  We’re not being good stewards over the tools He gave us.  Instead of speaking life, we constantly say what can’t be done.  Instead of walking in faith, we let fear rule and reign.  Instead of hoping, we doubt.

My bank account is not going to stay in the negative.  I’m ready to be a good steward of all that He provides for me.  When I get paid……before I get paid…..while I’m working, I’m asking God how He wants me to use my money.  I’m going to ask God how He wants to use me.  I’ll keep you posted. #wepreach

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