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An Attitude of Gratitude: Added Value

Writing a series on things I am grateful for has REALLY made me think.  I needed to focus on positivity.  I had to shift my thinking.  My self-reflection brought some clarity to my relationship with others and tendency to accept less than the best.

You see…I am a giver.  It flows out of me without a second thought.  I suppose that is why I chose a helping profession.  I get paid to do what comes naturally to me.  I tend to form bonds with people that are in need.  It satisfies the part of me that wants to fix and help in any way possible.  Since giving and helping are an integral part of who I am, it leaves me open to be taken advantage of.  And I have experienced my fair share of being used and taken for granted.

Yet on today, I am able to reflect on all the people that have added value to my life.  I can thank the ones that do not just interact with me because of what I can give.  I can thank those that improve my life in ways that I had not even thought of.  Certainly, this year, my ability to give has been drastically diminished.  You cannot get blood from a turnip.  And you are looking at a big turnip my friends.

Cheers to the folks in my circle that have made life even a little bit better for me.  I am grateful for the folks that steered me in the right direction.  I appreciate the ones who gave meals.  The ones that prayed for me.  The ones that washed my dishes.  The ones that swept and mopped my floors.  The ones that cheered for me.  I am grateful for each one that added value to my life.  #wepreach

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