two person standing near white church

An Attitude of Gratitude: Church Family

I recently realized how important my different church families have been in my life.  I grew up in church.  If the doors of the church were open, Bible Study Mama made sure that we were there.  When you spend that much time with people, you inevitably create bonds. 

Now, let’s be real for a second.  Many of us present a nicer version of ourselves at church.  We want to appear to be super saved.  Not in need of help ourselves but beacons of light for the heathens of the world.  But given enough time and being placed in the right circumstances, you can see through the façade.  You get to know the person behind the prayer warrior.  You get to see the heart of the people that you fellowship with.

While I have had some not-so-nice encounters with church members, I have also been blessed with some of the best church families that a person could have.  The current pastor of my home church came to bless my home.  Different members of the church spoke words of prosperity and wholeness over me and this house.  They brought gifts.  We ate and laughed and celebrated together even though that is no longer my church home.  Even though I am not on their official roll, I am forever theirs.

When Tomica passed away, our former pastor immediately got in touch with me.  I had intended to reach out to him, but I did not have to.  Members of our former church sent cards and reached out to check on me.  And they continue to check on me.  We spent so many years together working in ministry and learning to be who Christ called us to be.  Even though I am not on their official roll any longer, I am forever theirs.

My current pastor called when he got the news.  To touch base.  To see how I was getting along.  My life group members sent texts and food.  They ministered to me in the best way they knew how.  Other members of the church sent cards and called.  They made an effort to let me know that my pain is theirs. In a season of unexplainable and unexpected loss, they wrapped their arms around me.  I am forever theirs.

How I wish that the entire body of Christ would realize that we have been called to be one big family.  One big church family that is together forever. Just like we forever belong to Christ.  I have been blessed with the best.  And for that I am grateful.  #wepreach

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