Give Roses

Bond…James Bond

My Dad and I don’t have what I would consider the typical father and son relationship. We don’t go camping. We’ve never gone on a father-son road trip. We don’t sit down and watch Sunday football or anything like that. But, what I cherished the most was the fact that every year around my birthday we used to watch the Bond movie marathon on TNT.

There wasn’t anything better than seeing Odd Job, Goldfinger, and the rest of Bond villains. Overly dramatic intro music, the most high tech gadgets, and hearing the best line ever- “Shaken not stirred.” We also agreed on the fact that Sean Connery is, and will always be, the best man to have played the super spy. The atmosphere of it all was just special to me. I remember that I created my own version of the 007 franchise “00J” which I would act out whenever I could. On a bathroom break in elementary school, I’d take my time getting back. I needed to check around and make sure the bad guys hadn’t taken over just yet. I’d place my back to a wall and peek around the corner ever so slowly. My arms would be raised up in the shape of my gun and I’d throw whatever imaginary gadget I had around the corner to distract the enemy. Just long enough to take them out.

My Dad and I would recite memorable lines and quotes all the time. It was our way of communicating. I value those times very much because even with all the trials and transformation our lives have gone through that has remained the same. We may not talk every day but, a quick “Well Hello Mr. Bond” or something from another movie through text is enough for a quick smile or laugh.

What I learned spiritually from watching those movies is that just when you think all hope is lost, the hero always wins. Through loss and almost world domination, there is victory. God will never leave us nor forsake us, and in the face of all things, we remain undefeated. As my father and I continue to grow and learn one another, I thank God for the ways in which He allowed my Dad to speak to me. He didn’t always know the right thing to say or the right thing to do, but God still used him. He gave us our own special way of connection and for that I am thankful. #wepreach #giverosesmonth

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