We READS the Bible

Wait…This Is Going To Take How Long???

Good news everyone!  We still reads the Bible around here.  I am more than 100 days into this journey.  Woo hoo!  If I am being honest, I have not ever made it this far into a year long Bible reading plan.  I usually phase out after around twenty days.  So, my current progress is definitely a major improvement.

Reading the Bible has created an interesting phenomenon in my life.  The more that I read, the more questions I have.  Every week, I read intriguing stories about people that I have not ever heard of.  They are not taught in Sunday School or preached about from the pulpits.  Or maybe they are taught about, but I was not paying attention.  Maybe their stories went right over my head.  My study is reinforcing the fact that I need to know the word of God for myself.

Currently, I’m bouncing back and forth from I & II Samuel and the Psalms.  I am getting an in depth look at King David’s origin story.  And I am also learning about Saul and how he ascended to the throne.  I often hear of Saul and how he wanted David dead but did not know how he was chosen.  You should check it out.

The thing that is most sticking out to me as I go through David’s story is the length of time that it took from him being anointed to him being king.  The Bible gives a lot of details about David’s life, and the obstacles that he faces before he ever becomes king.  Like he is anointed.  And life continues to hit him and hurt him.  He is anointed.  He is chosen by God.  But he has to wait and work through many obstacles before he receives his crown.

Anointing does not mean that we get a pass, but it does mean that we have God’s hand on our life.  I cannot lie.  I have let the obstacles that I am facing lately weigh me down.  I go over things in my head and get discouraged.  I mean I know that God loves me, but I get frustrated when faced with all this uncertainty.  Reading David’s story in it’s entirety helped shift my mindset and my focus.

I am anointed.  I am chosen by God.  In due time, I will receive my crown.  I just have to continue to do what God called me to do.  Let me stay committed to reading this here Bible.  #wepreach

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