• Just Ari

    Today, we sit down and have an interesting conversation about faith with our cousin Ariana. Fun fact: her interest in talking about her faith on the podcast provided an extra push to get me back on the mic. She is also the mother of Sweet Baby which makes her one of my favorite people. Listen to her journey. I guarantee you can relate. #wepreach You can purchase her body butter at www.scratchcraftsltd.com.

  • Living Legacy

    We are recapping the blog “Living Legacy” on today’s podcast. We talk about the life and legacy of our great-grandmother and discuss the legacy that we believe we will leave behind. It is worth a listen. #wepreach

  • I Climbed A Mountain ft. Chantale

    In today’s blog recap, we discuss “I Climbed A Mountain.” We are joined by a very special guest—my bestie Chantale! Chantale is a BSG and has stayed in the background until today. We have a couple of technology glitches in this episode. But trust me when I say, it is well worth the listen. #wepreach

  • Your Breath Smells Like Milk

    In the spirit of growth and change, we have decided to recap previous blogs. Bible Study Brother and I peel back the layers of “Your Breath Smells Like Milk.” How have I matured since almost three years ago? Listen and you’ll find out. #wepreach

  • Season One Is A Wrap!!!

    Well, we did it! The first season of the Bible Study Girl podcast is completed. I learned so much about myself and others as the season progressed. Bible Study Brother and I recapped the high points. We’ll be back in 2021! (If the Lord says the same….I couldn’t help it…had to slide that in there…LOL)

  • Haven Experience Part 1

    The Younique Foundation offers a very special program called Haven. At Haven, adult female survivors of childhood sexual abuse are given tools to help facilitate their healing. It is all offered free of charge. Attending Haven in December 2019 was a turning point for me. Hopefully, sharing my story will help others. #wepreach

  • The Gray’s (Part II)

    I thoroughly enjoyed my time with the Gray’s. It’s always good to get a fresh perspective on situations. Bible Study Brother and Canae gave great insight on how marriage and relationships have altered their faith.

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