a romantic setting in the bathroom

Self-Care or Self-ish?

Now let’s have a little talk with Jesus.  Tell Him all about our troubles.  He will hear our faintest cry and answer by and by.  His answer would likely be that we need to practice more self-care.  I know, I know.  Saints and aint’s get put off by topics that seem too “woo woo.”  The saints are disturbed because the phrase “self-care” does not appear in the King James Version of the Bible that they live by.  The aint’s are disturbed because they are tired of the focus on mental health.  They would rather just go along to get along.  Enough with all this self-care business.

Good thing I am not listening to either crowd.  Self-care is vital to the survival of self.  Sometimes in our efforts to achieve the American dream, we end up sacrificing ourselves.  Our peace.  Our ability to really enjoy the dream that we chased so hard after.  What does self-care look like?  What does that mean?  Glad you asked.  Google defines self-care as “the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s own health.”  Thanks Google.  The Sareta definition defines self-care as “anything you do to love on yourself.”

Self-care for me includes taking time to have hot, relaxing baths.  I give myself facials with expired products.  I paint my fingernails and toenails.  I light candles and lay in the dark in silence.  I love on myself and give myself time to breathe.  Deep breaths.  I remove the pressure to race to the next activity.  I unplug.

Now, I promise I understand.  Although self-care is crucial, I do not make nearly enough time for it.  How sad is that?  I know that I am not alone.  Within the next seven days, find 30 minutes to love on yourself.  Yes.  Yourself.  Not your wife.  Your husband.  Your kids.  Your parents. (Although, you should love all the people I just mentioned…lol)  This time is just for you.  The reality is that we are better able to love on others when we take time to recharge ourselves.  #wepreach

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