
Perfect Match

Life with a cat.  Is different.  I was well versed in life with dogs.  My last dog, Fiona, was an absolute angel.  She really was the sweetest dog ever.  Incredibly chill and gentle natured.  She ran away when she saw Sweet Baby coming towards her because SHE KNEW.  Fiona just wasn’t a match for Sweet Baby’s hugs, kisses, and pats.  But this Fitz…this cat…He is something else.

While I was quarantined, we were together constantly.  I was so naïve at the beginning of quarantine.  For some reason, I imagined a world where he would want my undivided attention.  I thought I would roll one of his many balls to him, and he would happily play with it.  I thought he would purr and meow sweetly while we watched television together.

The truth of the matter is that he did his own thing.  He parked in his favorite spot by the front window and soaked up sun.  He slept A LOT!  To give him some variety, I opened the door to the guest bedroom.  Once that door opened, I rarely saw him.  He claimed the room as his own.  After hours of not seeing him, I would call his name.  You know, my dog would come running.  But this cat…I would have to go look for him.  He’d be sitting in the bedroom.  Side eyeing me.

I don’t want to mislead you and make you think that he doesn’t ever interact with me.  He does.  If I get busy in the evenings and forget to put out his dinner, he reminds me.  I get his undivided attention then.  He wraps his paws around my ankles and begins to whine.  I would not believe it if I didn’t experience it so often.  I probably should set a reminder on my phone…LOL.

He can be really sweet.  When my alarm goes off in the mornings, he jumps on me to make sure that I heard the alarm.  Isn’t that nice?  Then he head butts me so that I will rub him.  He purrs and purrs until I’ve done a good enough job.  Then he heads straight to his food bowl.  Because…you know…morning feeding time.

Owning a cat was not something that I ever thought I would do, but I like it.  We’re both independent and enjoy food.  We appreciate silence after a long day.  He is a good cuddler, but he has to initiate it.  He runs away from forced together time.  I try to keep him on his toes and in good shape.  I mean…he has a job to do.  I adopted him so that he could find and exterminate any rodents that made their way into my home.   Check out my “Under Construction” blog for more info on that situation.

All in all, we’re making our way around here.  Fitz is smart.  He runs and hides from Sweet Baby, too.  Her hugs, kisses, and pats have grown in strength as she has aged.  Fitz is alright with me.  Neither one of us expected the other, but we’re a perfect match.  My God shall supply all my needs.  And He knows exactly what I need.  #wepreach

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