
Out of the Box

I didn’t want to put a Christmas tree in my house, because I have a cat now.  Fitz loves anything that dangles.  And he loves to climb.  He climbs up his cat tower.  He leaps onto my table and couches.  He bats the cords on the blinds to watch them swing.  Christmas trees are great for climbing, and they have all of the dangling objects.  Nope…no Christmas tree this year.

We have the tendency to put people in a box.  Again, when I say we, I’m talking about me.  I often think people don’t have the capacity to change.  I don’t expect much from people or of people.  I’m guarded.

Recently, my thinking has been challenged.  If people are incapable of change, what does that say about my God?  I say that God can do ANYTHING.  Then I hold people in bondage to who they are right now.  That’s not fair.

While I know that I have to be wise and use common sense, I also have to allow room for God to move.  Really my issue wasn’t about everybody else.  It was about me.  I was struggling with God being able to change me.

This blog has helped me to see myself in a new light.  It’s shined a light on my true relationship with God.  And as you’ve heard more than once, I don’t like what I see.  The good news is there is room for growth and change for me.  There is room for growth and change for you too. 

2019 has been a phenomenal year for me.  I didn’t get my debts cancelled.  Nobody came and fixed everything that’s wrong with my house.  AWWW SHUCKS.  Literally, as I was typing this, I got revelation.  (That may be too churchy for you, but it’s true!)  My debts WERE cancelled.  I DID receive a complete home renovation.  Jesus did that for me when He died on Calvary.

Even though I’ve been saved a long time, I’m honestly just now realizing what a gift was given to me.  I’ve had debt cancellation written on my prayer board for months, and I’m just realizing that He answered that prayer a long time ago.  I just wanted my bill collectors to stop calling.  He wanted me to realize He took care of my debts a long time ago.

Of course, I realize that I need to be a better manager of the money that He has given me.  But I also realize that I need to stop putting him in these tiny boxes.  He’s bigger than I can comprehend.  He reaches farther than I can see.  If He’s doing that for me, I can’t say He’s not doing it for others.

As I sit and type this blog, the Christmas tree has been up for about 16 hours.  Fitz hasn’t touched an ornament yet.  He’s unfazed by it.  You already know the preconceived notions that I had about his behavior.  I wouldn’t have been able to experience the beauty of the tree if I let my wrong thinking restrain me.  Take God and people (and Fitz and my Christmas tree) out of the box.  #wepreach

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