jewelries and clear glass bottle on white table

My Signature Scent

Have you ever smelled something, and it brought back a memory?  My fragrance of choice was cucumber melon when I was in high school.  Smelling that transports me back to the late 90’s and early 2000’s.  Our sense of smell is an amazing thing.  My bi-annual trips to Bath and Body Works were focused on maintaining a sweet fragrance in my home.  Nothing too overpowering.  I wanted a scent that was just right.  And not just for my home.  I spent years thinking about a signature scent.

During my early 20’s, I moved on from my cucumber melon obsession.  I figured that I was a grown woman and needed a scent that was more mature.  Now, I had to decide what I thought maturity smelled like.  After much trial and error, I settled on my new scent.  I was committed.  I had made a great choice.

After all that debate, my cousin asked me what perfume I was wearing one day.  I told her.  She said that she really like it and wanted to get some.  Of course, people’s body chemistry reacts differently with different fragrances.  We can have on the same fragrance, and it will smell different on each of us.  But I had just spent all that time finding a fragrance that worked with me.  Now, she wanted in on my new find.

Most people are not as anal.  I know.  I get it.  I have loosened up over the years, but I latch on to things and fragrance is one of them.  We all have a natural scent.  When I was in love, child…..I LOVED the way that my man smelled.  Not his cologne.  Just his natural scent.  If you lined up five identical jackets that had been worn by five different men, I would have been able to tell you which jacket he had worn just by smelling it.  But when I was out of love, the smell of his jacket repulsed me.  A switch turned on in my head and the smell that I loved became associated with bad choices.

My cousin bought the perfume.  It smelled different on her, but it came from the same bottle.  Although I spent years crafting my signature scent, I get lazy at times when it comes to thinking about the spiritual aroma that I’m putting out.  When we accept Christ, the Holy Spirit begins to dwell in us.  We get a new signature scent.  We are supposed to emit a sweet smell that draws others in.  They should want to know how to get what we have.

Unfortunately, we are not always aware that our body chemistry is at odds with the Holy Spirit that is within us.  We live lives that do not glorify God.  People come to associate Christ with the ones who left an unpleasant aroma.  Thank God for grace and mercy!  Even if that has been our story in the past, we can course correct.  We can tell the Holy Spirit that we are ready to embrace the sweet fragrance that He has to offer.

My prayer for you today is that your life will be a pleasing aroma to God.  That you walk in supernatural favor.  That God graces you with his signature scent.  #wepreach

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