
Mowing the Yard

Spring has sprung which means my favorite household chore is rearing it’s ugly head.  Mowing the yard.  You can probably tell from my tone that it’s not really my favorite chore.  But it’s necessary for the upkeep of my home.

When I first moved into my house, I had big plans.  I had no need to purchase a lawn mower.  I would just find someone and pay them to do the job.  Finding my first lawn care technician was incredibly easy.  Frank, my next-door neighbor, volunteered for the job.  We settled on a price and mowing schedule.  That worked perfectly…until it didn’t.

Initially, Frank was compliant.  He mowed my yard every two weeks with no problem.  Usually while I was at work.  It was nice to come home to a freshly cut lawn that I didn’t have to do myself.  Then, Frank went up in price.  He said mowing my yard every two weeks made the mowing too difficult.  According to him, he had to go over the grass twice to get a clean result.  He wanted more money.  I agreed because I had no plans of getting out there myself.

Well, the problems didn’t stop there.  See, I had agreed to him mowing the yard every two weeks.  Frank took it upon himself to mow my yard a week after he had previously mowed it.  And he wanted his money.  I gave him his cash and ended our lawn care agreement.  It seemed that I was going to have to get my hands dirty.  I needed to buy a lawn mower.  I needed to take care of my own yard.

Of course, I could have hired a professional, but I did not want the hassle. By this time, the cost of homeownership was adding up. Whatever lawn mower I purchased would end up paying for itself. Instead of handing the money over to someone else, I bought a lawnmower and dived headfirst into the world of lawn care.

Do you know what I discovered?  Old Frank was right.  It was much harder to cut my yard if I waited 14 days between cuttings.  Ten days was the sweet spot.  Not too high and not too low.  It was also a superb workout for me.  I would put on my bonnet, my mowing shoes, and a grubby outfit and get down and dirty.  I perfected my cutting pattern.  Initially, it left much to be desired.  Now, it’s a piece of art.

It’s amazing how time and experience can change your perspective on situations.  At many points in my life, I have handed my knowledge of Jesus over to the professionals.  You know the professionals…pastors, teachers, and preachers of the Gospel.  I took no ownership in tending to my spiritual life.  That was their responsibility.  I was happy to pay them in compliments and appreciation.  It felt great to drive in to a great service and go home without putting my own skin in the game.

Until the day Jesus told me that He wanted more from me.  Let me tell you, I paid a heavy price to get to the point that I realized that He wanted all of me.  Not just what was convenient.  I had to put my own skin in the game.  I had to start studying to show myself approved.  I’ve been studying the Bible more, and I’m not going to lie.  Some days are more joyful than others.  But every day study is necessary for the upkeep of my spiritual home. 

I know.  I know.  It is so much easier to let others continuously pour into us.  But trust me when I tell you that life can hit you when, and where, you least expect it.  Daily study grows your spiritual bank account.  It enables you to make a withdrawal when you don’t have easy access to a “professional.”   Daily study grows your personal relationship with Christ.  The ragged lines in your lawn will straighten.  Daily study will challenge your perspective on situations and help you be more like Christ.  Your lawn will become a work of art.  #wepreach

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