
Merry Christmas To All!!!

I know it rubs some people the wrong way that we celebrate Jesus’ birth in the winter. Biblical scholars have surmised that Jesus was likely born during the summer months. The Bible doesn’t give a calendar date for His birth either. I’m sure that was intentional.

I don’t care about knowing the exact date. I’m just grateful that I have the opportunity to celebrate this joyous occasion. On Christmas Day last year, Jesus was not high on my priority list. I was focused on myself and doing whatever it took to avoid addressing some real life hurts.

God has been gracious and merciful and kind to me. I’m thankful that I got to spend Christmas Eve with my mom and Fitz. My brother and his wife stopped by for a bit. Bible Study Brother was pressed into cat grooming duties against his will, but it all turned out beautifully.

I get to spend today with my extended family. The Little Rock Southernaires had a successful rehearsal and we’re revved up for our Christmas morning engagement. We may even have a special guest singer join us. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Being in a better place mentally is allowing me to appreciate the small moments that my big God has gifted to me. I appreciate His sacrifice all the more. No matter how you spend this day, take time to thank God for giving us the best gift of all. Happy Birthday Jesus!

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