
Keeping a Clean House

Who would have thought that my friend starting a blog would allow little things to start convicting me the way they are.  God, that’s who!  So yesterday after work, my family and I came home  and cleaned up the house.  This seems like such a mundane thing, but it allowed me to have a stress free “yes” moment today.  Keeping a clean house allows for a stress free yes. 

Recently a good friend of ours experienced a medical emergency.  This emergency allowed God to show so many people His miraculous work first hand, and thanks be to God, her family member is alive and doing well!  Of course, I told her to let me know if there was anything we could do for them. I checked in with her frequently to see what I could do.   Today, she asked if we could watch one of her children.   No matter what my house looked like, the answer would have been “yes” but having a clean house made it a stress free “yes.”

This got me to thinking. How often do we say “yes” and then have so much stress to endure due to saying “yes?”  Or how often do we say “no” due to knowing how much stress a “yes” would create.   This is not what God wants for us!  I bet that my friend was able to say “yes” stress free to so much due to having a clean house and keeping things in order. That allowed her to just focus on what was most important and not have a cluttered mind thinking about the “mess” at home that would now be on display for all to see. 

 I think the same goes for our spiritual life. If we keep a pretty clean spiritual house and stay prayed up and in the Word ,then when trouble comes or when God directs us to do something, we can have a stress free “yes.”  Often times, we use the excuse of “my house isn’t clean enough for me to invite that family over for dinner.” And if we just took 10 minutes a day to clean our house, to nourish our minds, and dive into God’s  Word, we could give a stress free “yes.” And who knows what a blessing that could be! #wepreach

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