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Sermon Recap

Finish The Story

Bible Study Brother and I have a tradition of reading book series and discussing them as we read.  We have read the Percy Jackson series of books, the Divergent books, and the Hunger Game books just to name a few.  Since I am a faster reader, I read the book of the series first before I pass it on to him.  I do not like to have to wait to get to the ending.  I was the first to discover how Hunger Games ended because of this.  I was in shock.  I did not see it coming.  Bible Study Brother kept asking for hints and trying to understand why I was so beside myself.  He did not understand until he finished the story for himself.

Sunday’s sermon centered on Mark 16:1-8.  In the verses, the women that walked with Jesus during His time on earth are on their way to the tomb where He was laid to rest after His crucifixion.  They have stocked up on spices and are headed to anoint the body of Jesus.  The only problem with their plan is that Jesus is not there.  He has risen as He said He would.  An angel tells them to spread the good news.  The women flee from the tomb trembling and afraid.  They do not say anything to anyone.  In older manuscripts of Mark, the story concludes there.  There are no verses 9-20.  The story is complete.

Except…the story is not complete.  When we really study the first eight verses of this 16th chapter, we can see pieces of ourselves and our own struggles with our faith.  These women were in close proximity with our Lord and Savior and yet did not really understand who He was.  We see time and time again that Jesus declared who He was.  He said that He would be resurrected.  He proclaimed that He had all power.  And yet they spent money to buy spices for a dead Jesus.  They got up early in the morning to walk to a borrowed tomb.  They are not alone in this respect.  I am guilty of saying that I trust and believe in the power of God while living a life that shows I do not believe that He will take care of me.  I am guilty of saying the right thing and having the wrong heart.  I can be found saying I believe but help my unbelief.

Let’s be honest.  As Pastor pointed out, a dead Jesus can be a lot more convenient for us for than a risen Savior.  A risen Savior compels us to do work.  A risen Savior calls us to action.  The women were afraid because in that moment they fully realize that Jesus was exactly who He said He was.  The women and the church universal now have a part to play in the greatest story ever told.  We are called to spread the news of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  We are commissioned to spread the news of His love and saving power to all the world.  We are called to finish the story.

Being an active participant in the story is not easy.  The women were right to be afraid.  This is not an assignment for the faint of heart.  But it is a joy.  Jesus trusts us with His story.  We add on to His story with our own walks and testimonies.  What a privilege.  I pray that we finish the story strong.  #wepreach

Think about it…

  • When is the last time that your actions did not line up with your faith?
  • What made you behave that way?
  • Do you live a life that glorifies God? Why or why not?

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