
Divine Connections

We don’t get to choose our family.  And we don’t get to choose our divine connections.  God places special people in our lives who help push us towards our destiny.  Let me introduce you to just a few of the people who will be featured in my blog at some point.

Bestie-  She may not pray for herself or anyone else, but I know she prays for me.  Because I’m a real fool and handful at the same time.  Being my friend can be exhausting.  In our 20’s, she regularly had to say to me “We may not be friends after this, but I’m going to tell you what’s right.”  She’s had to pull that out of retirement in 2019.  (LOL, for real!)

Day One-  She named me.  At five years old.  That’s what happens when you have a teen mom.  She puts her faith in little people.  Thankfully, I love my name.  Really, she was just exercising one of her spiritual gifts at a young age.  My name is a derivative of Sarah and means “princess.”  She put this crown on my head before I ever breathed air.

Mom-  Without her, there is no me.  I poke fun at her and tease her all the time.  I feel like it’s one of my life missions.  But she keeps me afloat.  She climbs in the bed with me and rubs my back when I’m crying.  She watches Hallmark movies with me.  Takes me to the best restaurants.  Reminds me that I’m special.  She champions my blog excessively…to my embarrassment.

Grandma (Boolie)-  This lady is a ring tailed tooter, whippersnapper, and whatever other name you can think of to describe someone who is just plain sassy.  I think I get my spunk from her.  She believes that I can do anything and will move mountains to make sure I’m taken care of.  Even though I’m 36.

Princess-  I did not like her.  I did not like her.  I did not like her.  I put her on the prayer list every week when I was meeting with my BSG’S (Bible Study Girls).  She was focused on her money, and I was a threat to that money.  But somehow, she ended up being one of my dearest friends.  I know she prays for me and worries about me.  I’m forever grateful that I didn’t let my initial perception of her ruin a potential for friendship.

BSG’S- Bible Study Girls.  The crew that walked through valleys and skipped up mountains with me.  We met weekly for at least two years.  A one-time Bible study grew into a family.  And we were not a group of girls who couldn’t get a man.  Pretty girls and young girls love Jesus too.  It wasn’t about religion.  It was about real relationship.  We were honest about our fears, flaws, and failures.  We were desperate for a right now relationship with God.

I don’t know where I would be currently without the few divine connections that I’ve mentioned.  I have millions more that I’ll share as the blog grows, but I thought I’d give more insight to the people that have challenged me and helped me to know Jesus in a real way.

I pray that everyone has a circle that they know has been given to them by God.  If you didn’t before today, you do now!  I’m your divine connection.  I’m praying that you get to know God for yourself.  That you know you’re not alone in the struggle that’s life.  #wepreach

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