Credit Score
I’m single. Like, I’m single single. I’m a lady that lives alone with her cat single. Now that I think about it, this may be the reason that my mom had such a strong aversion to me getting a cat. She doesn’t want me to be a single cat lady. She wants grandkids.
She’s not the only person that wants me to have kids. People ask me all the time when I’m going to be a mother. Or when I’m going to get married. My response is generally, “You better talk to God about that because I’m waiting too.” If you read “I Said Yes to the Dress,” then you know that I don’t have a habit of waiting patiently. I’m impulsive and like to try to take control.
I’ve recently come to the conclusion that I’m not going to act right when I get a man. I mean I’m going to speak life and say that I am going to act right, but God knows my heart. And I know me.
My daddy assumed that my engagement was over because I was waiting until I got married to have sex. And my fiancé couldn’t hold out, so he left me for another woman. Ummmmm….clearly, he doesn’t know me. But God does.
I’m a sucker for a fine man. Listen, I’m saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Ghost, but I have eyes. And hormones. And an amazing sense of smell. And feeling in my hands.
Child, Jesus had to convict me and my hormones just now. He could send me a man but am I truly willing to live out a relationship the way that He intended for me to do it?
God brought to mind my social security number. See, I’m good with a man taking me out to dinner. Laughing with me. Talking to me. Having a great time with me. We could do that for a month, and I would feel so connected to him. Most folks wouldn’t judge me if I shared my body with him. It’s only natural. But the same folks would think I was crazy if I gave this man my social security number.
Your social security number gives people access to your credit. If you have great credit, you don’t just give your social security number out to anyone. You protect it. Some folks get super fancy and have identify theft activated so they are notified if someone tries to use their number to open a new account. If you have a poor credit score, you’re not as protective ofyour social security number. You feel there’s no threat. Your credit is already ruined.
My life has shown that I think my credit is already ruined. Real talk, how many folks are waiting until marriage to be sexually active? Most of us Christians are being “holy-ish” all the way to the altar. But isn’t my body supposed to be a living sacrifice? A holy temple? So, how did we decide that protecting a credit score is more important than protecting the only body that God gave us? And when I say “we,” I mean me. God has been convicting me ya’ll. I don’t like it, but it’s necessary. Pray for me. The challenge will be waiting on a man that will feel comfortable sharing his social security number AND his last name. #wepreach