Bible Study Brother

Attitude of Gratitude: Bible Study Brother

Happy, happy, happy, happy, happy Birthday Bible Study Brother.  A review of things that I am grateful for would not be complete if I didn’t salute this guy.  I have shared before how much I wanted a sibling.  I knew at a tender age that only child life was not going to cut it.  I was thrilled to meet the little guy that made me a big sister.  Unfortunately, our first meeting was not all peaches and cream.  He was getting his diaper changed and well…thank God for my quick reflexes.

Our relationship improved after the initial meeting.  He was everything I wanted…until he started walking.  I take that back.  The walking wasn’t so bad.  It was the running that happened anytime we went into a public place.  He was like a Tasmanian devil.  Ripping through racks of clothing.  Squealing with delight.  And guess what…it was my job to chase him down.  *Sigh*

Thankfully those days passed.  We have walked through the highest highs and the lowest lows.  And we did it together.  Kicking and screaming.  Cussing and fussing.  Eating and retreating.  He has been an answer to my prayer.  The prayer that I did not fully understand.  The request that was not completely thought out.  But exactly the sibling that I needed.

Joe, I pray that this year is a year of increase and unbelievable joy.  I pray that you continue to turn to God in every situation.  I want the Lord to bless you from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet.  I believe that His favor will shine in your life like never before.  And I’m grateful that have the opportunity to see His hand in your life. #wepreach

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