
An Attitude of Gratitude: Photos

As far back as I can remember, I have had a thing for photos.  I would beg Bible Study Mama for disposable cameras.  I wanted to be able to document my life visually.  I had a drive and pull towards pictures that I cannot explain.  Of course, I had no idea what I actually captured until the photos came back from the developer. 

I remember opening those paper envelopes at the counter and looking through each photo.  Typically, there were cut-off faces and awkward angles.  No instant do-overs like today.  And because of that, I have some of the funniest photos ever.  Precious memories that bring a smile to my face and a giggle.

I suppose I like to capture moments because it helps me remember them.  Our brains can only retain so much information.  Once moments are gone, we cannot get them back.  The snap of the camera and the flash of the light freeze those moments.  When I pull out my photo albums (I have TONS of them) or flip through my photos on my phone, I get to experience a little slice of those moments again.

Do yourself a favor.  Take pictures with everyone you love and even some of the folks you do not like.  They make a difference.  They tell your life story.  #wepreach

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