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An Attitude of Gratitude: Endings

I can be a bit weird.  I fully own it and am not ashamed of it.  After all, Deuteronomy says that we are a peculiar people.  So, I am totally prepared for the judgment that may come after I tell you this.  See, I have an appreciation for endings.  Do not get me wrong.  Some endings are totally sad.  Totally unexpected and absolutely unwelcome.  But even those endings have a greater purpose.  Of course, this has not always been my mindset.

Want to hear something else weird about my admiration for endings?  I am an avid book reader.  In order to challenge my brain, I began to read the very last page of a book before I read anything else.  Sometimes there were spoilers, but quite often I was amazed at how my peek at the ending did not always give me insight into what would unfold in the book.  There were always twists and turns that I could not predict.  There were always delights that I would have missed out on if I did not read through the entire story.  Knowing the ending did not ruin the story.

Endings are not always bad.  Child, I am celebrating a personal ending as we speak…(technically, as you read, but you get the point).  I went out and bought myself some Nothing Bundt bundlets to celebrate.  I told everyone that I knew and loved that a chapter of my life was coming to a close.  They have congratulated me and cheered me on.  I cannot be sure what is on the other side of this ending, but I embrace closing the door.

Since I am a believer in Christ, I know my ending on Earth.  I do not know when, but one day, the Lord will call me home.  My days of mowing the lawn and cleaning my house will have come to a close.  No more paying bills.  No more making cakes.  That will all be finished.  A good ending…a joyous ending that paves the way for my new beginnings with Christ.  And for that I am grateful.  #wepreach

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