
An Attitude of Gratitude: Cuzzo Crew

Since I have been on a roll with showing my appreciation for people in my life, I figured I would keep that train moving.  I love all my family.  I do not want to imagine life without any of them.  Everyone brings something different to the table that just cannot be replicated.  Especially my Cuzzo Crew.  (Cuzzo means cousin…just realized that I probably needed to explain that.)

To be fair, I literally have hundreds of cousins.  When I look at both sides of my family, the cousin count gets ridiculous.  My people BELIEVE in having babies.  They want to make sure that they help repopulate the earth.  Now let’s be real.  I am not close to all of them.  But I do have a special bond with my cousins that make up the Cuzzo Crew.

I cannot tell you when the name was developed so do not even ask.  Just know that it comes in handy.  I can still hear Tomica saying, “COUSIN!!!!”  when she was begging me to do something that I had no intention of doing.  I suppose it was sort of a call to action.  Sometimes, I would answer that call but quite often I would roll my eyes at her.

What exactly does a Cuzzo Crew do?  A LOT of eating.  If we get together, food must be involved.  What can I say?  It’s our love language…LOL.  A LOT of laughing.  Occasional rap battles.  Ferociously competitive game nights.  Book club meetings. That random dance off in the rain.  We do life together, and I treasure each time we gather.  They are loud.  They are crazy.  They are mine.  And for that I am grateful.  #wepreach

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