A Different Perspective
Perspective is so important. Sweet Baby was explaining one of her games to me. She proudly proclaimed, “I have $322 in this game. I’m rich!” For most of us, having a net worth of $322 would be distressing. That would not cover rent or all our utilities. A family of four would certainly find themselves in a precarious situation if that was all they had. But in Sweet Baby’s eyes, that money is astounding.
It’s all about perspective. My perspective has certainly been a little off. I am guilty of having my sights focused on the wrong things. I have heard it said many times, from many sources, that we have to recognize that God is bigger than our problems. When I focus on my issues, the strength and power of God get placed in my peripheral vision. I always know that He is there, but I have pushed Him to the edges of my sight.
Let’s shift our perspective. We are always focusing on something. I think that we need to be more mindful to keep our focus on God. He created us. He will sustain us. I am giving myself grace as I practice this focus on a daily basis. Bit by bit. I did not make it this far into dysfunction overnight. My journey to a healthier place will take time, but I am glad that I have started to make the trek. May your day be full of sweet moments that challenge your field of focus. #wepreach