
What Am I Leaving Behind?

Ya’ll know I go to Bible Study on Wednesday nights to get refreshed.  The good Lord did not disappoint. God met me there and gave my pastor a mighty Word that I’m passing on to you today.  The teaching came from II Kings 2:9-13.

Elijah, a prophet and mighty man of God, is talking and walking with Elisha, his mentee and son in the gospel.  That’s a churchy way of saying that Elijah was a mentor to Elisha.  He spent time with him and helped him develop.  Elijah knew that his time remaining on earth was limited, so he asked Elisha if there was anything that he could do for him before he left this earth.

Elisha makes a bold request.  He asks for a double portion of Elijah’s spirit.  Elijah lets Elisha know that he has asked for a hard thing.  He tells Elisha that if he can keep his eyes on Elijah when he is taken from him, then he will have the very thing that he requests.

As they continued to walk and talk, a chariot of fire appears and separates them.  Elijah is taken up into a whirlwind into heaven.  A whirlwind…like a tornado.  Fierce winds.  Intense pressure.  The hard task for Elisha has appeared.  Will he be able to keep his eyes open?  Can he resist the natural urge to turn his back on all the turmoil?  Elisha keeps his eyes open and is able to pick up the mantel that has fallen from Elijah as he was taken up into heaven.

Elijah’s physical mantel was basically a coat.  So, yes Elisha picks up the coat that has fallen, but he also picks up Elijah’s spiritual mantel.  He picks up the spiritual legacy that Elijah has left behind.  Thankfully, Elijah lived a life that was worthy of carrying on.  What kind of mantel are you leaving behind?

Are you leaving your family, friends, and associates with more debt and burden?  Are you leaving them with memories of your selfishness and greed?  Or are you leaving a legacy of prayer, obedience, and service?  These are questions that we all need to ask.

 My pastor challenged us to sit down and write a list.  Not just think…we need to put pen to paper.  Write out what you will leave behind in the form of ministry.  Write out what you will leave behind in the form of material possessions.  Now listen, the Lord doesn’t need to take me out of here yet, because both lists leave much to be desired.  I want to live a life that’s worthy of being carried on.  I want the same for you.  #wepreach

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