Sermon Recap

Long Story Short: I Survived

Happy New Year!!!!  (Cue the streamers and confetti.)  It’s a celebration!  When this is released, I will be curled up in my bed with Fitz.  Sleeping off all the New Year’s Eve festivities.  I rang in the New Year praising the Lord with my church family and my family family.  They wanted me to be the ball drop in the parking lot afterwards.  I was tempted, but I fought through the temptation and made my way home.  As soon as I got home, I popped bottles (it was apple cider…let’s be reasonable) with Bible Study Brother, Bible Study Mama, and my sister-in-law.  I rang the year in with style.

Since I attended church for New Year’s Eve, I get to start off the year with a sermon recap.  My pastor came with a fresh word from the Lord.  He led us to I Samuel 30:1-8.  Recorded in those verses is an account of an obstacle David faced.  I’ve discussed David before.  He was anointed by Saul.  David was called.  David had purpose.

David and his men returned to Ziklag after fighting in numerous battles.  Nothing could have prepared them for the sight that awaited them.  While they were away, the Amalekites had burned the city and kidnapped their wives and children.  Everything was destroyed.  The men were so devastated that the Bible says that they cried until they couldn’t cry anymore.  This wasn’t soft crying.  They were loud.  I imagine it’s the kind of crying that leaves you with hiccups.  The kind of crying that leaves you laid out on the floor.

After all these strong, fighting men stopped crying…after they exhausted themselves with their grief…they got angry.  They didn’t get angry at the Amalekites.  They were nowhere to be found.  They got angry at the person that they could see.  They got mad at David.  After all, if they hadn’t been following him and fighting his battles, they would have been home to protect the things-the people-that were precious to them.

David doesn’t run.  He immediately consults God.  He asks two pressing and poignant questions.

Can I go find the Amalekites?

If I fight them, will I win?

God is gracious.  He tells David to go get the Amalekites.  He assures David that not only will he win the battle, but he will have everything that was lost restored back to him.  David just wanted an eye for an eye.  But God wanted to see David and his men made whole.  I’m convinced that this message is for you and for me.

If you’re wondering if you should pursue the business, run after it.  If you are tired of praying for your abusive parent, keep praying.  When you’ve cried until you’re empty, don’t give up.  God is in the business of restoring everything that you thought you lost.  Everything that God has purposed for your life is yours and yours alone.  No one else can touch it.  Long story short-we survived it!  2020 is ours!!!!  #wepreach


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