

Rest. It’s almost a curse word in our fast paced society. I have normalized having a life that is full and moving at a rapid rate. Although it took a lot for me to get my house to the current state that’s in, I rarely get to enjoy it. I’m always going to the next event or scheduled activity in my day.

I finally got an unexpected day off. My mind immediately got busy filling the empty spaces. And then I heard, “Rest.” I shrugged it off and thought that couldn’t be God. Aren’t we supposed to be always working and striving for some goal? But then I heard it again. And I chose to listen.

I slept until it was light outside. That never happens! Fitz, my cat, didn’t even wake me up for his breakfast. I was hours behind schedule. I guess he knew I needed rest too.

I let the day unfold with no specific agenda in mind. I had a great lunch with my family. We were able to laugh and catch up on life. Played some Nintendo Switch with my brother. Chatted about my book with my sister-in-law. Took a relaxing bath. I was able to just breathe.

I know that may not seem restful for some people but for me it was. I wasn’t rushing from one place to the next. I moved at slower pace, and it was completely spontaneous. I rested and let God control the wheel.

Hmmmm…maybe I wouldn’t feel so frazzled if I really rested in Him everyday. He keeps telling me to give everything over to Him, but obviously I haven’t been doing that. God has been taking the smallest things and showing me who He is. He is the perfect resting place. #wepreach

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