
Breathe On Us

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,

Timothy 3:16

Back in the olden days (when I could go to work Monday through Friday…ya’ll remember those days?), I looked forward to attending Bible study at my church on Wednesday evenings.  Learning more about the Word of God was just what I needed to make it over the hump.  As the senior saints would say, I could run on a little while longer.  Here lately, the days meld into each other.  Yesterday’s Wednesday REfresh made an incredible impression on an otherwise long day.

Pastor taught about II Timothy 3:16.  II Timothy was written by the apostle Paul.  He is encouraging Timothy to remain faithful in ministry.  Timothy is struggling with many dilemmas.  Listen, if just participating in church activities can be stressful, imagine the weight Timothy has on his shoulders.  Full-time ministry pulls on every part of a person.  It has high demands spiritually, emotionally, financially, and even physically.  Paul reminds Timothy that God’s Word has always been, and will continue to be, the standard that he should use to guide his life.

This scripture reminds us of the very same thing.  All Scripture is given by inspiration of God which in essence means that God breathed life into the Word.  God’s Holy Word is contained in the Bible.  When life knocks the wind out of us, we have access to a tool that can restore our breath and revive us.  But we choose to ignore it.

We have to realize that the study of the Word has the power to transform our lives.  When we study Scripture, we are getting to know God’s heart.  He has provided us with a most precious love letter.  In this letter, He’s telling us His will for our lives.  He’s detailing every promise, blessing, and provision that He has provided for us.  The Word is alive and teeming with untapped opportunities for every believer.  God’s breath gives the Word life.

Will you allow God to breathe on you?  Are you open to receiving all that He has for you?  Often, we toil through life on earth.  We hold on in tough times because He’s promised us a new life in heaven.  Ya’ll we can experience joy on this side too.  Crack open your Bible and allow the God of heaven to breathe new life into every situation.  #wepreach

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